Short Bio

L.E. Richmond was practically born with a book in her hands (the result of being raised by an American writing teacher and a German bookseller). From a tender age, fairy tales have held a special place in her heart, leading to The Mermaid’s Tale, a spin-off of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic as her debut novel. When not crafting stories rooted in lore and fairy tales, she can be found chasing three little Muggles, running crazy distances, and brewing homemade kombucha. She has never yet met a mermaid, but when she and her husband eventually complete an Iron Man, she plans to use the 2.4 mile swim to search for one.

Long Bio

Once upon a time, in a little college town in the Pacific Northwest, there lived a little girl who loved fairy tales. She read them, she imagined them with her siblings and her best friend, and she watched Grimm versions in German with her immigrant mother. As she grew, she learned that real life is not a fairy tale, but that there truly is a great Prince who sacrificed everything to save the Bride He loved. Then, in her last year of high school, her own fairy tale romance started, with a hazel-eyed, dark-haired mechanic who provided the practicality that her imaginative soul needed. They were married while she was finishing her degree in nutritional science, but she knew, even then, that she probably didn’t want to work in the field. Their first baby was born the week before she graduated, and the girl wondered what she would do, now that she had a sleepy newborn and no piles of homework. So she began to write. And she discovered that her love of fairy tales lingered beneath her pursuits of running and fitness, traveling, dancing, brewing kombucha, and reading good books. And the more she wrote, the more she knew that she would be writing stories about passionate love, brokenness and redemption, and happy endings for the rest of her life. The Mermaid’s Tale is just the first.

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